Monday, August 15, 2011

Flashback Weekend

It's here.  Monday.  Landen started daycare today, Guy went back to work, and I am still unemployed.  On the bright side of things I was able to spend 2 consecutive hours at the gym this morning and I am contemplating reading a book on the beach this afternoon.  Two things I have not done in over 455 days.  Simple joys.

This past weekend was full of fun and excitement.  We started off with a bang Saturday morning, waking bright and early for a 0700 5k on Kadena Air force Base.  I have ran several 5k's with Landen and always thought there should be a category for people who run with strollers.  Have you ever tried running and pushing a stroller with a 28lb baby?  Not easy.  So, I was super pumped to find this 5k has a stroller category! 

There we are!  We won 2nd place!  Beat by a man.  Boo.  Now, I have never been the competitive type.  I am usually the one to let others win so that I don't have to listen to them whine.  But, after being beat by a man I have new motivation! 

Enough about that.  We continued to have a fabulous Saturday, despite dealing with a teething pre-todd (who has 4 molars coming in at once).  We took a trip to the city of Naha to visit BabiesRus and this really cool play area.  Now those of you who don't have kids...I know this doesn't really sound exciting, but take a look at this play area.

I know what you are thinking.  Where is the one for the adults?  Sadly, this is only for really small children.  I mean, who wouldn't want to run around in an area surrounded by floating balloons?  So while Landen is screaming and playing, with his hair blowing wildly, I sit on a bench and eat Japanese candy...never going to loose those 5lbs (technically 7, but we're rounding here folks).

Next we hit up Sam's Anchor Inn for dinner.  Some yummy goodness cooked on a teppanyaki grill.  We dined on shrimp, tenderloin, and fish.  We ate salad, soup, sauteed veggies, and garlic rice.  It was amazing.  And expensive.  $100 later we were full.  The yen rate is now 75 to the U.S. dollar.  So 75 yen = 100 pennies.  Not good.

Hall of business cards

Drinking out of skull and shark cups

On Sunday we started off the day by going to church.  Lanny loves to play in the nursery.  We have started going to Koza Baptist Church.  Now, I am a born and raised Methodist.  I am used to 30-45 minutes of praise and worship, a 15 minute sermon, and snacks after service.  Baptist's have 30 minutes of praise and worship, a 45 minute sermon, and no snacks.  I am learning to adjust.  Also I learned what a Deacon was yesterday.  Baby steps. 

Ready for church
Sunday evening we had some friends over for dinner.  Sadly, I did not get any pictures.  We have met some great friends here already.  We were also fortunate to have some friends here from prior duty stations.  The friends we had over for dinner last night were our sponsors when we first got here.  Every family moving to Japan is assigned a sponsor.  The sponsor is a volunteer who helps get you settled in and answers the million questions you have.  We were very lucky to have an amazing couple with a daughter close to Landen's age.   


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend!! I'm so impressed you can run (and win!!) with a stroller. I can barely run with just myself. I was thinking about you stroller-running when I was attempting my own running today. Also, that play area looks awesome!! Love the balloon room!

  2. You never cease to amaze me. Congrats on your 2nd place win! Your photos are great and we really enjoy reading about your days in Okinawa. I'm glad to hear you have found a church and taking Landen. This is an important time in your lives and I know Landen will benefit from this experience, even though he is still very young. God bless you guys.

  3. Congrats on second place! I hate running. Really hate it. There was a period of time in college where I ran every day and did one long run a week (5+ miles) and I still hated it and I still felt like I was dying every time. ( I have exercise induced asthma so that it just seems like it's harder for me than other people) So me and Jillian are BFF's these days.I can hang with her better than running. ha.
    that play area IS amazing.
    and don't need to lose anymore weight. You look awesome.

  4. So proud of you and all your doing over there. I am SO glad you are finally getting your deserved self time. So needed and so well earned. Keep updating this - I love reading it. :)
